
Transactions - AUGUST 17, 2021

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BMO REP invests €47m in forward funding of Liverpool BTR scheme

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The BMO UK Housing Fund has completed the acquisition of the Hughes House scheme in Liverpool city center through a £40 million (€47 million/$55 million) forward-funding agreement, signaling the first round of deployment for the fund. The agreement will provide 258 new homes for the city.

The fund aims to address a distinct gap in the U.K. housing market by delivering high-quality, sustainable, community-based rental property targeted at low- to middle-income households whose needs are not currently being met by the existing private rented sector. The fund’s investment strategy is focused on local housing needs and will invest across house types including city apartments and suburban housing.

“This acquisition provides us with an opportunity to support the delivery of affordable private rental housing in Liverpool while also generating sustainable, inflation-linked long-term income returns for investors. The scheme will enable us to satisfy local demand, particu

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