IREI’s 30th Anniversary Edition
When Publisher and CEO Geoffrey Dohrmann founded Institutional Real Estate, Inc. in 1987, he definitely got in on the ground floor of a fledgling industry. Even back then, Dohrmann saw the forces that were shaping this $90 billion industry, and he wrote about them in his annual “Megashifts” articles: From Entrepreneurial to Institutional, From Gut-Driven to Information-Driven, From Non-Standard to Standard, From No Tech to Hi-Tech, From Provincial to Global. But it’s unlikely that even Dohrmann realized the explosive growth that would occur over the course of 30 years, shaping the global institutional real estate world into the $4 trillion industry it is today.
Institutional Real Estate, Inc.’s 30th anniversary special edition chronicles the development and success of the company as well as the evolution of the institutional real estate industry. Download the full report free.