
What is an AI agent? A computer scientist explains
- February 1, 2025: Vol. 12, Number 2

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What is an AI agent? A computer scientist explains

by Brian O’Neill

Interacting with AI chatbots such as ChatGPT can be fun and sometimes useful, but the next level of everyday AI goes beyond answering questions: AI agents carry out tasks for you.

Major technology companies, including OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and Salesforce, have recently released or announced plans to develop and release AI agents. They claim these innovations will bring newfound efficiency to technical and administrative processes underlying systems used in health care, robotics, gaming and other businesses.

Simple AI agents can be taught to reply to standard questions sent over email. More advanced ones can book airline and hotel tickets for transcontinental business trips. Google recently demonstrated Project Mariner to reporters, a browser extension for Chrome that can reason about the text and images on your screen.

In the demonstration, the agent helped plan a meal by adding items to a shopping cart on a grocery chain’s website, even finding substitute

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