
- June 1, 2016; Vol. 3, Number 6

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Mentorship and Sponsorship: A question-and-answer session on the subject with attorney and advocate Deborah Froling


Tell me why you are such a strong advocate of mentorship?

For women of my generation, and I’m technically a baby boomer, there weren’t a lot of women in the legal field when I joined. There certainly aren’t a lot of women in the financial services industry in positions of power, and one of the only ways that we are going to increase those numbers is by reaching behind us and pulling along the next generation. There were women who did that for me when I first started, and I feel it is extraordinarily important for me to do that for the next generation. I have two daughters, neither one of them will be a lawyer, nor a financial services professional, but they are also entering fields that are low participation from women. I want to give them a guide to live by and to advance professionally in a field that is not as always as welcoming to them as it should be.

How do you identify a mentor?

Sometimes you never even approach yo

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