
- November 1, 2015: Vol. 2, Number 11

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Back in Fighting Shape: Real estate investment in the United States and Europe hits pre-crisis levels

by Andrea Waitrovich

Commercial real estate activity in the United States and Europe during the first half of the year surpassed levels not seen since the same periods of 2006 and 2007.

U.S. commercial real estate investment volume grew 23 percent year-over-year during the second quarter on volume of $118 billion, according to Real Capital Analytics’ mid-year review. Transaction volume came in at $255.1 billion for first half 2015, up 36 percent compared with first half 2014. This volume puts activity slightly ahead of that seen in 2006.

The industrial market was among the strongest sectors in the United States, posting volume of $16.7 billion in the second quarter — a 40 percent increase from the same period in 2014. The suburban office sector is right behind, growing 37 percent year-over-year.

Manhattan continued its streak of being the No. 1 market in the United States, with transaction activity totaling $26.5 billion. Los Angeles and Chicago followed, with sales volumes of $

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