
Air taxis on the way: Quiet, electric eVTOLs may be flying passengers as early as 2025
- July 1, 2024: Vol. 11, Number 7

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Air taxis on the way: Quiet, electric eVTOLs may be flying passengers as early as 2025

by Jamey Jacob

Imagine a future with nearly silent air taxis flying above traffic jams and navigating between skyscrapers and suburban droneports. Transportation arrives at the touch of your smartphone and with minimal environmental impact.

This isn’t only science fiction. United Airlines has plans for these futuristic electric air taxis in Chicago and New York. The U.S. military is already experimenting with them. And one company has a contract to launch an air taxi service in Dubai as early as 2025. Another company hopes to defy expectations and fly participants at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Backed by billions of dollars in venture capital and established aerospace giants that include Boeing and Airbus, startups across the world (such as Joby, Archer, Wisk and Lilium) are spearheading this technological revolution, developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that could transform the way we travel.

Electric aviation promises to alleviate urban congestion

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