
Transactions - APRIL 12, 2024

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Shannon Waltchack acquires retail center in Tequesta, Fla.


Shannon Waltchack (SW) acquired Tequesta Village Square, a 74,102 square foot multi-tenant neighborhood retail center located in Tequesta, Fla. This property is Shannon Waltchack Neighborhood Center III’s (SWNC III) first acquisition since

launching earlier this year. SWNC III is Shannon Waltchack’s third commercial fund, which focuses on unanchored retail strip centers across the United States.

“We have had our eye on this property for the past two years and were so pleased to have been awarded the deal by the owners,” said Derek Waltchack, partner at SW. “We worked diligently to accomplish all of the goals and objectives of the selling family and are now happy to be able to call them friends. Now that we own one asset in South Florida, we need to find more.”

Located at 221-289 South U.S. Highway 1, in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach MSA, Tequesta Village Square is 100 percent occupied and surrounded by a population , surrounded by a popul

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