
Other - FEBRUARY 7, 2024

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Chase makes multi-billion-dollar investment in its branch network

by Released

Chase has plans to open more than 500 new branches, renovate approximately 1,700 locations and hire 3,500 employees during the next three years to provide greater access to banking and bring affordable and convenient financial services to more customers and communities across the country.

Chase will enter several new markets – including low-to-moderate income and rural communities with little access to traditional banking services – and will continue expanding its footprint in locations like Boston; Charlotte, N.C.; the Greater Washington, D.C., region; Minneapolis; and Philadelphia.

This multi-billion dollar commitment will contribute to local economic growth through construction, ongoing community investments and local hiring, bringing opportunity to thousands of local residents across the bank’s footprint.

“When we open a branch, we’re not only investing in the financial health of residents, we’re committed to the health and vitality of the entire

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