
Other - MAY 13, 2024

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AI insights from last month’s GAIM Ops Cayman conference

by Lewis Dayton

Last month’s GAIM Ops Cayman conference, held in Grand Cayman, was a global conference for operations professionals working in alternative investments. Deloitte recently shared highlights from the four-day event, reported theDIWire.

One of the main topics of discussion at this year’s conference was artificial intelligence.  Takeaways from the various talks, panels and discussions included that some companies are building out their own AI tools due to a recognition that third-party AI tools can often lean towards being too generalized rather than tailored for financial services and alternative investments.

Companies must also pay attention to compliance and risk management, as well as ethical standards, as they strengthen their understanding and use cases of AI applications within their operations.

Discussion at the conference also touched on the potent

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