The technology likely to have the greatest impact on the next few decades has arrived, and it is not social media, big data or robotics. It is not even artificial intelligence. You will be surprised to learn that it is the underlying technology of digital currencies like Bitcoin. It is called the “blockchain.”
Now, it is not the most sonorous word in the world, but I believe it is the next generation of the Internet, and that it holds vast promise for every business, society and individual.
For the past few decades, we have had the Internet of information. When I send you an email or a PowerPoint file, I’m actually not sending you the original; I’m sending you a copy. And that’s great. This is democratized information. But when it comes to assets — things like money, financial assets like stocks and bonds, loyalty points, intellectual property, music, art, a vote, carbon credit and other assets — sending you a copy is a really bad idea. If I send you $100