Americas A closer look: Real estate private equity funds brace for financial reforms and shifts in regulatory landscape The Trump administration has brought sweeping change to financial markets already, with potentially “radical” changes ahead.
Americas Core of the matter: How investors can achieve consistent core-like returns in today’s market and through cycles Core assets’ ability to generate reliable income has made them a staple of institutional portfolios, especially in the current low-growth environment.
Americas The next stage: A sustainable investment strategy needs to go beyond classifications to encompass the neighborhood Commercial real estate investors who equate sustainability only with building certifications are behind the curve.
Americas Case study: Development success via sustainability and wellness features Bentall Kennedy and Pine Street Group developed Via6, a Seattle apartment property, as a “vertical neighborhood.”
Americas A southern cure: Are Latin American REITs the perfect antidote to higher U.S. interest rates? In 2016, Latin American public real estate had one of its best years on record.
Americas Half full or half empty? Rising interest rates and commercial real estate We believe the outlook for commercial real estate in a moderately rising-rate environment is more akin to a glass half full than half empty.
Americas Missing ingredients: A modest allocation to private markets, including real estate, could have an attractive impact on DC pension outcomes A relatively modest allocation to private markets could increase the return potential and reduce the overall volatility of a typical DC plan portfolio.
Americas Think class B: Secondary-market, infill multifamily properties can generate institutional-quality returns in 2017 For potential risk-adjusted returns, class B apartments around the urban core stand as tall as any other property asset class in 2017.
Americas A fresh update: New features and functionality on IREI’s website With this edition, we are pleased to announce the launch of the latest edition of Institutional Real Estate, Inc.’s website.
Americas Has real estate fundraising hit the wall? Early numbers are in for real estate investment funds closing in first quarter 2017 — and they look a bit anemic when compared with the same period of 2016.
Americas CMBS delinquencies rise in March The U.S. CMBS delinquency rate, which has moved steadily higher during 11 of the past 13 months, continued its climb in March.
Americas Yale's actively managed portfolio earns 3.4% in 2016 Yale University’s $25.4 billion endowment recorded a total return of 3.4 percent in fiscal year 2016.
Americas Investment market stays strong in the City by the Bay The San Francisco investment market continues to reign as one of the strongest markets in the country.
Americas Investor confidence in private real estate remains high More than 80 percent of fund managers raised capital for deployment through private real estate vehicles in 2016, with investors committing a total of $128.4 billion.
Americas Investors prefer North America for real estate Stronger economic growth, the availability of debt capital and a more positive outlook from investors are expected to drive global capital flows in 2017
Americas Institutional interest in student housing grows Institutional interest and investment in the student housing sector is growing and totaled approximately $9 billion in 2016.
Americas Investors turn to Boston office sector Boston continues to be a strong property market, and investors have been turning to the city for office and healthcare property investments.