Institutional Real Estate Europe

June 1, 2022: Vol. 16, Number 6

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From the Current Issue


The liquidity riddle: Is there a way to measure unlisted fund liquidity?

Liquidity is a well-known issue when investing in private real estate. A lack of liquidity deters some investors from participating in the asset class altogether, especially if their investment horizons are short, but it has less concern for others with longer investment horizons and who are prepared to maintain a strategic allocation.


Creating a marriage of convenience: With incumbent supermarket groups operating from huge store footplates and largely enjoying strong sales, can Amazon Fresh really reshape convenience grocery retailing?

Europe’s grocers have emerged from the pandemic remarkably well. They largely reinforced their position as an essential service, their staff were frontline workers, and ecommerce penetration increased dramatically. While online sales have inevitably dropped off, the residual lift marks a step change in omnichannel grocery in Europe and the United States.

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