
Workforce housing: A crisis in America’s mountain towns
- October 1, 2023: Vol. 35, Number 9

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Workforce housing: A crisis in America’s mountain towns

by Shawn Hurley

Mountain towns are incredibly attractive places to live. The limitless offering of year-round outdoor adventures, idyllic natural beauty and healthy lifestyles create friendly communities to raise families and top destinations for retirees and vacationers. More recently, these communities have become desirable locations for residents relocating from larger cities, which has exacerbated the long-term structural housing shortage that these towns have faced over the years. This scarcity of attainable and available housing for residents is threatening the economic stability and resiliency of these communities.

It is a housing crisis with far-reaching consequences. Municipalities and businesses continue to struggle to attract and retain employees and maintain essential services, amenities, retail offerings, and cultural and leisure activities without an adequate housing supply in the market. Tourism is one of the key economic engines for mountain towns, and businesses in this sect

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