
- October 1, 2014: Vol. 1, Number 1

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Where Did the Year Go?

by Paul West

Change. Oh how that familiar word seems to mean so much during this time of year. Changes in the color of leaves and landscape. Changes in the economy. And changes in our profession as financial advisers. 2014 has been full of change, and it’s had a sizable effect on both the lives of our clients and us as business owners. We can’t change the trees or the economy or the state of our profession, but we can change our processes and approach to end-of-year planning.

As the managing director of one of the most successful coaching programs in the country I can tell you, ironically, that the simple act of planning is one ignored by many financial planners today. Yes, those that plan every single day for others forget to plan for themselves. A simple phrase governs many of our approaches: “Wait broke the bridge.” Let’s not “wait,” and instead start preparing your year-end planning today. To do this, I will focus on two key concepts: year-end planning for your business

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