
Talking Points: Quotations from people in the news
- February 1, 2024: Vol. 11, Number 2

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Talking Points: Quotations from people in the news


Arthur Brooks, Harvard University professor and “happiness scholar,” on dissatisfaction among U.S. citizens: “This country has been seeing more and more people saying the country is on the wrong track, and it has been going on for 20 years and is out of control. We have leaders who are unfailingly negative about the country; we have media that’s talking down the country. It’s all bad news all the time.”


Stuart Brown, psychiatrist and play researcher: “The opposite of play isn’t work, it’s depression. The adult-play deficit is becoming a public health crisis. ... When I interviewed Nobel laureates, I was struck by how most of them didn’t separate work and play. Their labs were their playgrounds.”


John Flavin, founder and CEO of Portal Innovations, on why life sciences companies are moving into downtown laboratory spaces: “Power is with the individual talent. And they a

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