In the United Kingdom, the perma-crisis of recent years- COVID-19, climate change and the cost of-living - has thrust homes, and how they are used, into the spotlight. People have become much more aware of the cost of energy and its environmental impact: the importance of fresh air, the adapt ability of our homes and our proximity to nature.
In theory, this should be a slam dunk for investment into greener, energy-efficient and resilient housing. In reality, the picture is more complex.
Firstly, until very recently, UK government policy has not provided a sufficient driver for investment. Building regulations, for example, have remained unchanged with regard to energy and carbon for the best part of a decade.
Alongside this, there is a desperate mismatch in supply and demand - hindered by a planning system in permanent turmoil - and the result is little incentive for most of the housebuilding industry to provide anything beyond minimum standards wh