
Global perspectives: Editors share insights and discuss highlights from 2019’s Editorial Advisory Board meetings
- January 1, 2020: Vol. 12, Number 1

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Global perspectives: Editors share insights and discuss highlights from 2019’s Editorial Advisory Board meetings

by Loretta Clodfelter, Marek Handzel and Dr Jennifer Molloy

Over the past few months, investors, managers and consultants convened at the Editorial Advisory Board meetings for each of Institutional Real Estate, Inc’s regional publications, gathering to discuss the latest issues facing the real estate investment industry. The 2019 editorial board of Institutional Real Estate Americas met this past 10–12 September in Cape Neddick, Maine; the editorial board of Institutional Real Estate Europe met 24–26 September in Siena, Italy; and the editorial board of Institutional Real Estate Asia Pacific met 22–24 October in Hong Kong. Below, the publications’ respective editors — Loretta Clodfelter, Marek Handzel and Dr Jennifer Molloy — discuss some of the highlights from the regional meetings.

What themes were apparent at each of the regional editorial board meetings?

Clodfelter: One of the most apparent

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