
- February 1, 2021: Vol. 33, Number 2

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Everything is connected: Notes on the new normal

by Jonathan Schein

As we move into 2021, which already seems like a very long year as of mid-January when this is being written, it might be a good idea to focus on some issues that don’t have an apparent connection to our industry. Especially in terms of investment decisions, strategies and outcomes. Not that current global events aren’t front and center at the moment, but we still have our “day” jobs and there are always events that seem unrelated to what we do on a day-to-day basis, but indeed do have an impact on some level. Here are a couple of seemingly “unrelated” items that may open up interesting discussions.

IKEA is no longer printing its annual catalogue as of 2021. If you weren’t aware, this behemoth has been printed continually since 1951, originating in Sweden, and by 2016 it had a 200 million print run that was distributed in 69 different versions, 32 languages and reached more than 50 markets. Why has IKEA decided to end this venture? There are a v

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