Japan, China and South Korea already have old populations, and they will experience a massive increase in elders to care for in the coming decades. While Japan has had more than 20 years to fine-tune its approach to senior housing, China is just beginning to tackle the problem. How do these countries compare with respect to senior housing developments, and what opportunities for investors exist?
Japan, China and South Korea have cultural similarities as well as differences, but one thing all three countries share is a rapidly ageing population. The numbers are startling: Japan has the oldest population in the world (not counting Monaco), with about 23 percent of its population already 65 and over. That’s almost one out of four citizens. Additionally, 13 percent of Chinese are 60 and over, and 8.9 percent are 65-plus. In South Korea, 11.4 percent of the population is 65 and over.
It’s not only people who are already officially seniors: The ave