Product Description
The commercial real estate industry is continuing to make impressive strides in advancing ESG initiatives. Currently, more than 2,000 real estate entities representing $7.2 trillion in asset value are reporting their ESG data through GRESB. Progress that has been carried largely on the shoulders of equity owners and investors is now expanding on the debt side of the industry.
ESG Means Business, Winter 2024 is a special report published by Institutional Real Estate, Inc. in cooperation with GRESB. This free, 20-page report focuses on debt and the impacts on the environment and climate.
Sustainable financing is a growing segment of the CRE debt market as capital providers and debt investors look to mitigate risks and align their lending with broader ESG objectives. ESG Means Business takes a closer look at the developing standard of ESG questionnaires, how to develop ESG scorecards, overcoming obstacles to SLLs, borrower appetites for green financing, how to dig for meaningful metrics and more.