
Investors - MARCH 22, 2024

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San Bernardino Employees consider $150m commitment to TPG Angelo Gordon

by Lewis Dayton

The San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA) Investment Committee recommended at its March 22 meeting that the board approve a $150 million commitment to TPG Angelo Gordon Essential Housing Fund III (AGEHF III) .

TPG acquired Angelo Gordon in November 2023, and TPG Angelo Gordon is managing AGHEF III. TPG Angelo Gordon has $78 billion of assets under management, with $16.2 billion of that directed toward global real estate and $2.08 billion toward net lease real estate opportunities.

As of June 30, 2023, SBCERA had 3.8 percent of its portfolio invested in real estate, compared with a 5 percent target for the asset class.

For more information about this commitment or other funds, please visit our IREI.Q database.

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