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Sign in Sign up for a FREE subscriptionRobust partnerships take center stage at 2021 iREOC Membership Meeting in San Diego
The iREOC Annual Membership Meeting reconvened for its third year on Nov. 15–17 at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar hotel in San Diego, Calif., attracting more than 100 professionals focused on improving their REOC partnership investments.
The “members only” event is designed to provide a platform for candid discussions among real estate operating companies, institutional investors and their investment managers. The meeting upholds a strict ratio of two professionals from real estate operating companies to every one institutional capital provider.
This year’s meeting included daily panel and roundtable discussions on topics at top of mind for the investment community, such as the state and future of REOC partnerships during and after a crisis; entity-level investing versus programmatic; and building and strengthening joint-venture REOC partnerships.
Nearly 30 speakers and moderators led the panel discussions on topics such as common reasons partnerships break