
Investors show renewed interest in prime urban retail
Real Estate - FEBRUARY 10, 2022

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Investors show renewed interest in prime urban retail

by Released

2021 saw the beginning of a recovery with renewed interest in urban retail assets, according to JLL's City Retail 2022 Report.

Investment volumes in 2021 increased 36.9 percent year-over-year to $1.45 billion across 52 deals — one more than in 2019. But total investment volume remains 14 percent lower than 2019, and the average sales price per square foot is almost 13 percent lower in the prime urban corridors. Still, acquisitions of top-tier assets have shown that investors haven’t abandoned these corridors yet. With cap-rate compression among all other retail property types, investors looking for bigger returns may turn to prime urban retail for attractive deals in 2022.

To read the full report, click here.

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