
APRIL 29, 2021

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The industrial sector pre- and post-pandemic

by Denise DeChaine

“From the buy and sell side there is a lot of activity,” says James Lambert, senior managing director of industrial investments at Elion Partners, in the final part of a three-part series where he and Juan DeAngulo, managing partner Elion Partners discuss the opportunity set for industrial real estate at large. “We saw a very brief pause when COVID came in and everyone sort of held their breathe. There is money on the sidelines, deals got put on hold and right now, if we’re not buying, which we always prefer to, something that is off-market it is a full big ol’ dog and pony is cutthroat.”

To hear Lambert and DeAngulo talk about the possibility of pre- and off-market deals of real estate and discuss a deal Elion could and could not get comfortable pursuing and why, click here.

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