
Global economic sentiment takes a hit
Other - APRIL 22, 2022

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Global economic sentiment takes a hit

by Jennifer Molloy

From the COVID-19 pandemic to Russia’s war on Ukraine, the world has seen its fair share of black swan events recently.

Countries that had started to see the business and economic light at the end of the tunnel after enacting “live with COVID” policies have been jolted by the upheaval of the largest invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since World War II, which commenced on Feb. 24 — a day after the conclusion of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. As countries came together for the games to celebrate the best of athletic achievement, now nations are coming together to try to prevent an all-out war on the European continent.

The ensuing humanitarian and refugee crises, energy impacts, and global food shortages and supply-chain disruptions have rattled global economic sentiment. Add to this an inflationary environment not seen in 40 years in the United States, and global central banks working to ease inflation by raising interest rates and reducing — or ending

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