
Carson Group's Jamie Hopkins talks water, land, jetliners, spoken word & written page
People - APRIL 1, 2023

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Carson Group’s Jamie Hopkins talks water, land, jetliners, spoken word & written page

by Mike Consol

One day Jamie Hopkins started running. He ran the next day as well and continued the regimen for 3,004 consecutive days and an average of 4.5 miles per run. (Yes, that’s eight years and two months without missing a day of road work.) That easily beats “iron man” Cal Ripkin Jr.’s 2,632 consecutive baseball games played, albeit not nearly as celebrated as the baseball hall-of-famer’s record.

Hopkins had a travel-day rule that his daily run be completed before heading to the airport, which meant sometimes running city streets at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. to adhere to his commitment and still make his 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. airline flight.

Keep in mind that during part of this streak Hopkins occupied his current position as managing partner of wealth solutions at Carson Group, a position that required 180 hotel nights per year as he traveled to meet with clients, work with advisers and deliver speeches at industry conferences.


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