
Investors - JANUARY 8, 2021

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Blackstone executives predict top 10 surprises for 2021

by Mike Consol

For the 36th consecutive year, Blackstone vice chairman Byron Wien has issued his predictions for the top 10 surprises for 2021, and this time he has collaborated with Joe Zidle, chief investment strategist of private wealth solutions.

Wien defines a “surprise” as an event that the average investor would only assign a one-in-three chance of coming to pass, but which he believes is “probable,” having a better than 50 percent likelihood of happening. Wien began the tradition in 1986 when he was the chief U.S. investment strategist at Morgan Stanley. He joined Blackstone in September 2009 as a senior adviser to both the firm and its clients in analyzing economic, political, market and social trends. In 2018, Zidle joined Wien in the development of the 10 surprises list.

Wien and Zidle agreed on the following 10 surprises of 2021:

Former President Trump starts his own television network and also plans his 2024 campaign. His lead program is The Chief, d
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