
The hotel segment worthy of attention
- June 1, 2024: Vol. 11, Number 6

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The hotel segment worthy of attention

by Desi Co

I recently had the opportunity to take my teenage daughter on a college visit. Aside from seeing the evolution of higher education since my graduation, I got to experience firsthand the current state of the select-service hotel segment. As a real estate capital adviser and investor, I tend to look at hotels through a different lens than most travelers. From my perspective, the select-service and extended-stay segment of the hospitality business has seen substantial growth and promising financial performance, particularly since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Investors who entered the market before the post-COVID-19 resurgence have likely benefited substantially. However, during my stays at various select-service/extended-stay hotels in the southeastern United States, the question I pondered was this: Will the segment’s performance continue?

The college road trip is emblematic of a lot of family leisure travel in the United States today, where families often occupy their t

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