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In Focus: Stephen Dowd on the evolution of infrastructure

Stephen Dowd, partner at CBRE Caledon Capital Management, discusses if there is a universal definition of infrastructure, what core attributes should include, what some infrastructure types have gone from alternative to mainstream and more. (10/2018)

In Focus: Serge Savasta and Michael Pollan discuss how renewable energy developers and independent power producers are dealing with the gradual phase out of public subsidies (2/3)

In the second video of the series, Serge Savasta, managing partner at Omnes, and Michael Pollan, partner at Omnes, discuss how renewable energy developers and independent power producers are dealing with the gradual phase out of public subsidies and if it is a threat or an opportunity. You can see the first video in the series here. (09/2018)

In Focus: James Harkness on the state of benchmarking

James Harkness, executive director of client coverage at MSCI's real estate business, discusses the state of benchmarking, what the different benchmarking options are out there, what the strengths and limitations of different benchmarks and more. (09/2018)
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