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Infrastructure Report: Andy Kunz of the U.S. High Speed Rail Association

Andy Kunz is CEO of the U.S. High Speed Rail Association, a Washington D.C.–based nonprofit trade association that is mobilizing industry to develop a 17,000-mile national high-speed rail system built in phases and completed by 2030. In this interview, Kunz makes the case that high-speed rail will change the way we do business and will unlock a fortune in new transit-oriented real estate developments across the country. What's more, he says, it could be entirely funded by private investors. (08/2013)

Shop Talk: Dan Schned on U.S. mega-regions

Dan Schned, a senior planner at the Regional Plan Association, discusses the 11 U.S. mega-regions identified in his organization’s America 2050 report, including what mega-regions are and why they are important. (07/2013)

Infrastructure Report: John Campbell of Campbell Lutyens

John Campbell, chairman of Campbell Lutyens, a London-based private equity firm specializing in raising private equity and infrastructure funds from institutional investors, talks with us about infrastructure investing in emerging markets, the British government’s plan to encourage more infrastructure investing by pension funds, private-public partnerships, and whether the future of infrastructure investing will be primarily debt or equity, among other topics.  (06/2013)

Infrastructure Report: Nick Cleary of Hastings Funds Management

Nick Cleary, director of infrastructure debt at Hastings Funds Management, discusses the current status of global infrastructure spending and the opportunities available to investors. You can contact Cleary by writing to, or by calling 212-551-1939.  (06/2013)

Report from Europe: The New Moscow

An interview with Sheila Hopkins, managing director of our European operations. Hopkins recently attended EXPO REAL, the International Trade Fair for Property and Investment, held in Munich, Germany, where she learned about the grandiose plans being touted by the Russian government to double the size of Moscow with a project called New Moscow, essentially a second city center to help alleviate the many problems confronting the Russian capital. (12/2012)
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