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What infrastructure executives have been discussing with us

Drew Campbell, senior editor of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure, offers a roundup of 2021 virtual roundtable meetings with industry executives, the upcoming live editorial advisory board meeting in Southern California, and highlights from the November edition of the magazine, as well as previewing the forthcoming December edition. (11/2021)

The global investment opportunity in rail

Gianluca Minella, head of infrastructure research at DWS Group, discusses infrastructure investing in rail and the indispensable role rail played in providing vital products during the pandemic, and the role it can play as a catalyst and beneficiary of the decarbonization trend, as governments adopt policies supporting passenger and freight rail over other modes of transport. What’s more, he says the post-COVID market may offer a good entry point for investors to acquire rail transportation assets. (11/2021)

Golding Capital Partners' Thilo Tecklenburg on coinvestment infrastructure funds

Thilo Tecklenburg, managing director at Golding Capital Partners, discusses how coinvestment infrastructure funds differ from other vehicles, what kinds of investors might prefer these funds, which markets and sub-asset classes are particularly attractive for coinvestments, and how ESG screening be implemented in coinvestment structures. (11/2021)

IREI's Chase McWhorter on inflation, the energy transition and other key topics

Chase McWhorter, managing director of Institutional Real Estate, Americas, and former managing director of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3), gives a recap of the key themes and discussions from emerging from IREI’s weekly virtual roundtables. This month's conversations centered on inflation and the role of ESG, the shift from traditional energy sources, and more. (10/2021)

MSCI's Will Robson on private infrastructure’s role in a multi-asset-class portfolio

Will Robson, at MSCI, discusses some of the key points from a recent blog, Assessing Private Infrastructure in a Multi-Asset-Class Portfolio, such as misconceptions surrounding private infrastructure assets and how having the right data can help investors understand return characteristics and allocate capital. (10/2021) To read the blog, click here.  

In Focus: Chase McWhorter on key themes and perspectives on real estate and infrastructure

Chase McWhorter, managing director of Institutional Real Estate, Americas and former managing director of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3), discusses key themes emerging from in IREI’s virtual roundtables, such as how industry participants are managing risk around the pandemic, ESG considerations and how the investment community is taking a more holistic view of real assets. (09/2021)

In Focus: Drew Campbell on topics, trends and features in the September issue of i3

Drew Campbell, editor of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure (i3), discusses features in the September issue of i3, how these articles reflect broader market trends, and shares what readers can expect in i3's second special infra report, Innovation in Infrastructure Delivery, to be released in November. (09/2021) To download the September issue of i3, click here.
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