
Single-family investor activity remained high in third quarter
Real Estate - DECEMBER 28, 2021

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Single-family investor activity remained high in third quarter

by Andrea Zander

Although the share of investors in the single-family sector has continued to grow, the level of investor purchases has stalled, as of third quarter 2021, according to the CoreLogic Home Price Index. Focusing on the past year of investor purchases, the total number of investor purchases of single-family homes dropped in the third quarter after peaking in June.

Investor activity hit peaks previously unseen in CoreLogic data in second quarter 2021. In June, the share of single-family purchases made by investors was 24.3 percent. This was eclipsed in July, August and September, which had rates of 24.6 percent, 25.8 percent, and 26.8 percent, respectively.

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