
- July 2011: Vol. 4, Number 7

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Summer Reading List: Recent Reports Outline Key Trends and Themes Driving Today

by Drew Campbell

A slew of new reports and papers that cover trends in infrastructure investing have been published recently. They provide a quick overview of the market as well as details of significant changes following the global financial crisis. The following article is a summary of these reports, organized in three sections: 1) an overview of infrastructure; 2) institutional investors and infrastructure; and 3) other reports of note.

A good way to quickly get up to speed on the major global markets important to infrastructure investors is the annual infrastructure survey from Ernst & Young and the Urban Land Institute (ULI); its breadth and depth of coverage provides a one-stop snapshot of many markets. This year’s report — Infrastructure 2011: A Strategic Priority — is based on interviews with 20 industry members in addition to o

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