
Catching the momentum: has the P3 model caught on in the United States?
- April 1, 2018: Vol. 11, Number 4

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Catching the momentum: has the P3 model caught on in the United States?

by Joel Kranc

President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan could be a powerful contributor to the momentum of the P3 model and other infrastructure projects. But does it go far enough at creating a solid plan? If the proposal gains enough congressional support to be enacted, the United States could experience investment in infrastructure it hasn’t had for decades, and that would piggyback on momentum that has slowly been building in public-private partnerships.

That momentum has been slow to develop; it is sometimes regionally motivated; it has yet to take a strong hold on the market; and the details of President Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure proposal have still not been ironed out completely; but there are projects using the P3 model to fund and manage long-term infrastructure needs. The question becomes: Is the P3 idea catching momentum in the United States or does it still have a ways to go before it becomes more mainstream and recognized by investors?

In 2013, the Lon

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