
Canadian government backs hydrogen alliance with Germany
Investors - AUGUST 2, 2024

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Canadian government backs hydrogen alliance with Germany

by Kali Persall

The Canadian Federal Government has announced an investment of up to C$300 million ($217 million) in the Canada-Germany Hydrogen Alliance.

In 2022, Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada's minister of energy and natural resources, alongside Robert Habeck, German vice chancellor and minister of economic affairs and climate action, signed a joint declaration of intent committing the two countries to collaboration in the export of clean Canadian hydrogen to Germany.

Then, in March 2024 in Hamburg, Wilkinson and Habeck signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a first-of-its-kind bilateral program to give Canadian producers priority access to Germany’s rapidly growing market for clean hydrogen and ammonia. The dedicated program will support commercial transactions between Canadian exporters and German industry.

Canadian investment in the bilateral agreement, which is matched by Germany, creates a C$600 million ($434 million) program that will facilitate billions worth

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