
Investors - JANUARY 5, 2024

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Brazilian state to invest $3b in P3 contracts through 2026

by Kali Persall

The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul plans to inject at least R$15 billion ($3 billion) in public-private partnership (P3) contracts from now to 2026, according to several news sources.

BNamericas reports P3s in the state are most common in the areas of infrastructure, security, health, education and transport. The government is planning 30-year P3s for two lots of highways — one including metropolitan, coastal and mountain regions, and the other for the Vale do Taquari area and the north — involving total investments of R$10 billion ($2 billion), according to BNamericas. The most advanced contract to be offered is the R$353 million ($73 million), 30-year P3 contract to upgrade Mauá pier, a busy river port in Brazil, with an auction planned for Feb. 6.

Another 30-year P3 is planned for two regional airports: Lauro Kortz in Passo Fundo and Sepé Tiajaru in Santo Ângelo, with the government investing R$29 million ($6 million) and the private sector more than R$

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