
Investors - NOVEMBER 18, 2022

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$4.2b airport terminal project at JFK reaches financial close

by Kali Persall

Vantage Airport Group, an airport development and operating company, and Corsair Infrastructure, Vantage's shareholder, have reached financial close on a $4.2 billion deal to develop a new international Terminal 6 at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

As lead member of JFK Millennium Partners, the private organization selected by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to finance, build, and manage the new Terminal 6, Vantage will be the principal developer and operator of the new terminal, with Corsair serving as the project’s principal financial sponsor.

JFK Millennium Partners raised $4.2 billion to fund the development of a new international terminal complex anchoring the north side of JFK, including $1.3 billion in equity. Corsair-Vantage is the majority shareholder in the project.

“Today’s milestone is the result of significant, dedicated efforts of the Vantage team to lead this complex project and bring the shared objectives of JFK Millenn

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