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Phoenix Capital Group's Adam Ferrari on trends in the U.S. oil and gas industry

Adam Ferrari, CEO of Phoenix Capital Group, sits down with i3 editor Kali Persall to discuss how mergers and acquisitions, such as the recent ConocoPhillips-Marathon Oil merger, are impacting the oil and gas market, how nontraditional capital raises are filling gaps in the industry and trends to keep an eye on. (08/2024) For a deeper dive into Adam’s take on the oil and gas market, read his recent commentary, “Crude awakening: The vital role of oil and gas in meeting global…

U.S. power utilities find themselves at an inflection point

Tom Martin, leader of the data science team at E Source, an organization that helps solve the challenges facing power utilities, is our guest. He discusses the four major trends confronting utilities: environment responsibility, reliability and resiliency, customer equity, and financial stability. (07/2024)

Montgomery County's Ben Holthus on setting up a co-investment process for an infrastructure portfolio

Ben Holthus, senior investment analyst at Montgomery County Employee Retirement Plans, sits down with i3 editor Kali Persall to discuss benefits of co-investing compared with raising a larger primary fund, nuances that make infrastructure co-investments different than other asset classes, risks associated with co-investments in infrastructure and more. (06/2024) Ben was a panelist at IREI's VIP Infrastructure 2024 conference in Washington, D.C., on June 5-7. 
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