
JUNE 27, 2022

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​​Asterion grows rural fiber footprint in Spain

by Kali Persall

​​Asterion Industrial Partners has teamed up with Teras Capital to develop a rural telecom fiber platform in southern Spain.

As part of the platform development, Asterion has acquired Olivenet, a regional telecom provider that operates in Andalucia, with a presence in 35 municipalities and more than 900,000 homes.

Olivenet is the fifth investment of Asterion Industrial Partners’ Fund II and is the first and anchor investment of the platform. Asterion plans to support Olivenet’s continued growth, facilitating internet access to rural communities in the south of Spain.

“We are extremely happy about the partnership with Teras Capital and are looking forward to continuing to invest in the rural fiber space, this time in the Spanish market,” said Guido Mitrani, founding partner at Asterion. “We are excited to support Olivenet’s growth journey and are especially proud that the rural telecom fiber platform we will be rolling out will benefit municipalit

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