
Investors - JULY 14, 2020

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Historic fiber optic cable to be constructed across the English Channel

by Released

Crosslake Fibre, an international network provider and developer of subsea and terrestrial fiber networks, has unveiled its newest subsea cable project, CrossChannel Fibre.

The 550-kilometer (341-mile) cable is the first fiber optic subsea cable to be built across the English Channel in nearly 20 years and will connect Slough, England, and Paris.

This new subsea cable is designed to support the increase in bandwidth requirements from telecoms, enterprises, content providers, as well as financial, gaming, and media companies that require high capacity and low latency connectivity. The high fiber count, non-repeatered system will contain 96 fiber pairs, each providing more than 20 terabits per second of capacity throughput, and will be ready for service in fall 2021.

To support this project, Crosslake Fibre has engaged EGS, a global provider of marine surveys and services, to undertake the marine and burial surveys for the project. Crosslake Fibre has placed the m

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