
- June 1, 2015: Vol. 8, Number 6

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The road more traveled: European infrastructure holds allure for global investors

by Joel Kranc

Investors looking at infrastructure need not look further than Europe. Developed markets and favorable regulatory regimes are giving investors pause for long-term stability

It may be a set of overstated clichés but that does not make them any less true: The financial crisis hangover and a volatile, low interest rate environment are still driving the thinking of large institutional investors with long-term needs and investment horizons. Diversification, stability within a well-regulated economy and long-term growth — that can often meet or match liabilities — are key components of many institutions’ investment strategies today. One such investment that meets those needs is infrastructure investing — specifically in Europe.

Whether as a direct investment, through a fund or secondary or listed options, infrastructure last year was a shining light for investors seeking a modicum of stability within their portfolios. According to a Deutsche Asset & Wealth Manag

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