
Social infrastructure: From challenge to opportunity for investors
- November 1, 2021: Vol. 14, Number 10

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Social infrastructure: From challenge to opportunity for investors

by Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association

The following article is an excerpt that was first published by the Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association. The full report with footnotes, graphics and references is available at:

The significance of infrastructure in driving the economic and social outcomes of societies cannot be overstated, underpinning the welfare and development of local communities and being a key factor in improving quality of life over the long term. Traditionally, infrastructure is linked to projects producing economic or monetary value, such as mobility, utilities, communication and energy. However, social infrastructure — covering sectors like educational facilities; health and senior care; and social, affordable housing — is lately gaining in prominence, with its importance being highlighted by recent events like the global financial crisis (GFC) and the ongoing COVID-1

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