
- December 1, 2016: Vol. 9, Number 11

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Infrastructure in chief: President-elect Trump has made infrastructure investment a priority of his administration

by Salika Khizer

It’s been a rough few days for more than half of American voters since the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. A once more unified nation, now seems divided as is evident in protests in many major cities in the United States. Perhaps this is temporary and President-elect Trump will find a way to unify the country. One thing all Americans can probably agree on is the county needs new and upgraded infrastructure, and President-elect Trump has said we wants to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure over the next 10 years. That’s a plan I can agree with — unity! I would love to see our crumbling infrastructure improved and more importantly, I would like to see my tires not be destroyed by terrible freeways — case in point I-205 & I-580 in Northern California.

And how does Donald Trump plan to do this? As reported in Institutional Real Estate’s IREN, Trump’s plan calls on four ideas: (1) public-private partnerships or P3s, (2

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