
Infrastructure 101: A guide to white papers, articles and reports focused on the basics of infrastructure and infrastructure investing
- September 1, 2022: Vol. 15, Number 8

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Infrastructure 101: A guide to white papers, articles and reports focused on the basics of infrastructure and infrastructure investing

by Drew Campbell

Do financial investors need non-financial data? Infrastructure ESG data investor survey

by EDHEC Infrastructure

The articles, which was published in June 2022, is available at:

In this EDHECinfra survey, we asked a large sample of investors in infrastructure why they need to have access to ESG data i.e., non-financial data, for the assets they hold or want to hold. We examine three main questions:

What is the main purpose or use-case of nonfinancial (ESG) data for investors in infrastructure? What risks most require non-financial data to make better investment decisions in infrastructure? What kind of data is the most useful and relevant to make such decisions?

Prima facie, the a

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