
High hopes: A low-tech adaptation for climate change could be the most  disruptive of all
- September 1, 2019: Vol. 12, Number 8

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High hopes: A low-tech adaptation for climate change could be the most disruptive of all

by Drew Campbell

For the past several years, tech disruption and how it will affect infrastructure investing has been a top concern for global infrastructure investors, and while autonomous vehicles, alternative energy, drones and robots are certainly disruptive, it could be a low-tech, long-dated “innovation” that could end up being one of the most disruptive for the current state of the planet.

Trees are like background noise or the air we breathe, always there and taken for granted. But according to a study published in Science, newly planted trees could capture the attention of those thinking about climate change and ESG by capturing carbon on a scale that could keep runaway climate change from becoming a reality.

Forget high-tech innovations such as carbon capture technologies, clean coal, nuclear, solar and wind — according to the study, trees have the potential to dwarf them all in terms of their ability to keep carbon out of the atmosphere.

“The data finally exis

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