
Roads concession awarded in Colombia
JULY 1, 2022

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Roads concession awarded in Colombia

by Kali Persall

The Colombian government, through the National Infrastructure Agency, has awarded the Troncal del Magdalena 2 road network contract to the Plural Structure Autovía Magdalena Medio consortium, consisting of KMA Construcciones and Ortiz Construcciones y Proyectos.

The project seeks to build a 268.4-kilometer (x-mile) road from Sabana de Torres to Curumaní. This section, along with the Troncal del Magdalena 1, Puerto Salgar-Barrancabermeja route, will consolidate a 531-kilometer (167.8-mile) dual-carriageway corridor from Cundinamarca to Cesar, according to Portafolio.

Works in this corridor include the construction of a 129.3-kilometer (80.3-mile) second lane and the improvement of the existing 116.2-kilometer (72.2-mile) lane.

“With this award we are going to promote the generation of 47,947 jobs, but also to improve transit between the interior and the north coast of the country,” said Ángela María Orozco, minister of transportation. “This wil

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