
New company to deliver 250MW of capacity to Indonesia’s data center market
Transactions - JUNE 3, 2022

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New company to deliver 250MW of capacity to Indonesia’s data center market

by Kali Persall

Big Data Exchange (BDx) has launched a new company — BDx Indonesia — in a move that solidifies Indonesia as a top Southeast Asian data center market.

The new company will modernize and expand the four operating facilities in and around the capital city of Jakarta and develop new greenfield projects to enhance capacity to 250 megawatts in the next five years. As a result, customers in Indonesia will gain access to seamless connectivity options across the entire BDx cluster, encompassing facilities in China, Hong Kong and Singapore, where the company just moved its global headquarters.

The launch follows the completion of a $300 million joint-venture agreement with PT Indosat Tbk (Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison or IOH) and PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta.

“BDx Indonesia, drawing on the strengths of BDx, IOH and Lintasarta, is poised to become hyperscale customers’ preferred partner and one of the largest data center providers in Indonesia,” said Mayank Srivastava, i

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