
Jonathan Stevens joins AEW's new debt platform, firm plans to enter new sectors
Investors - OCTOBER 4, 2023

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Jonathan Stevens joins AEW’s new debt platform, firm plans to enter new sectors

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AEW Europe has appointed Jonathan Stevens to the newly created role of head of private debt as it seeks to grow its existing private debt platform, entering new sectors including infrastructure, and enable AEW’s existing clients to benefit from opportunities for diversification.

“With the changing interest-rate environment, we believe that the broader private debt market represents an increasingly compelling opportunity for our clients with long-term investment horizons. We have therefore identified private debt and infrastructure in particular as a strategic growth opportunity for our business, where we already have an existing and established footprint in real estate debt,” said Rob Wilkinson, European CEO at AEW.

Stevens will be based in London. He will be responsible for shaping the strategic direction and growth of AEW’s enlarged private debt platform, including the creation of innovative investment products that meet institutional clients’ requirements

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