
Digital infrastructure companies outline net-zero carbon emission pledge
Investors - APRIL 27, 2022

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Digital infrastructure companies outline net-zero carbon emission pledge

by Kali Persall

STACK Infrastructure has joined dozens of major technology and digital infrastructure companies such as Amazon Web Services and Meta in a pledge to reach net-zero carbon emissions.

The industry leaders have united to leverage their influence over market-based decisions and drive to collaboratively adopt carbon reduction standards, corporate transparency policies and industry accountability reports.

The founding coalition of companies have pledged to an open standard to account for and report carbon in data center power, materials and products. The coalition will identify or establish an independent governing group to define the industry standard methodology for measuring carbon with a focus on transparency, traceability and identification of the carbon history of data center power and facilities.

Participating companies will declare the carbon footprint of a product or facility and then show the progress of reducing operating and embodied carbon in materials and

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