
The COVID transition: What the pandemic has taught the infrastructure investors about doing business
MARCH 30, 2021

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The COVID transition: What the pandemic has taught the infrastructure investors about doing business

by James Wallace

It is rare in human history for the entire world to collectively fight against a common foe, such as we have experienced in the past 15 months with the COVID-19 pandemic. The ramifications will be felt into the future, long after humanity finally brings the virus to heel. It will reshape how the layers of civilization operate and cooperate, from international institutions, to nation states, industries, communities and households.

Within an industry such as infrastructure — intrinsically globalized from capital procurement, to the location of investment ideas, and the human and technological expertise across the value chain — many of the lessons and behavioral changes from this unique period will feel intuitive; others less so. The past 15 months have seen a combination of trade-offs, with an unequal mix of disadvantages and even some unexpected benefits across the lifecycle of infrastructure investing. As we edge closer to a return to global freedom of movement and reopen

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